Spirit Week will be October 14 to the 18th with a different theme every day. Monday - Cowboy Day, Tuesday - Country vs Country Club, Wednesday, Neon Orange Day, Thursday - Cobra Piride, Friday- USA Day.
MEDIA RELEASE Nash County Public Schools Reports Major Gains in State Rankings and Performance Grades
media release about elementary schools
NCPS to Offer Meals at No Cost for All Students  this School Year
Water Party sign up
SNMS will host its ESL/STEM Curriculum Night Thursday May 9th from 5:30pm to 6:30pm
SNMS Spring Book Fair will be the week of May 6.
All District Honors Band
Not too late to order a yearbook! Link inlcuded in the description.
SNMS Invnetion Convention Team displaying their Scoop It creation.
Team 1 coding thier robot.
Autism Awareness Spirit week  will be April 15-19
Community Forums
Even Tibbs 1st place winner of Bookopoly Reading Game.
EOG end of year water party call for volunteers.
8th grade band receives Superior rating!